Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You know you're a grown up when...

1. You would rather stay in instead of going out. feel old being around all those young kids!!!
2. You go to bed earlier. And wake up earlier.
3. You realize that people that are only a couple of years younger than you cannot always relate to you because they don't have the life experiences that you do.
4. You read the paper every day.
5. You watch the weather channel. Even if the weather is not affecting you at the moment.
6. Sitting on the porch is fun!
7. All of your friends are married.
8. You now know why your parents nagged you when you were younger.
9. You don't care if you look horrible, but go shopping anyway.
10. You realize you have to plan for your!
11. You listen to talk radio.
12. You stop getting carded.
13. If you don't need something, you put it back on the shelf instead of buying it.
14. You realize that family is everything.
15. You start to buy anti-aging products, even if you don't really need them yet.
16. The thought of living in a dorm again turns your stomach.
17. You drink coffee because you enjoy it, not because it is the cool thing to do.
18. You inspect your face every day for wrinkles.
19. Your youngest sibling goes off to college.
20. You learn that you have to take care of you.

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