Thursday, September 24, 2009

All Dogs Go To Heaven

As everyone knows, our little Lacey passed away a few weeks ago. Jenny told me that Lacey was the closest "person" she has ever lost. I pondered that for a moment, but then realized it was the same for me too. Yes, I have lost numerous friends and family members over the years. But, I kind of feel guilty that the loss of my pet is the one that has upset me the most. Is that wrong of me? Maybe it's because she was always there for me no matter what. She saw me through the worst of times. She saw me through the best of times. There's not a lot of "people" you can say that about.

So, since she passed away, I have thought about death and heaven quite a lot. I was raised Catholic and still try to follow the Catholic teachings as best I can. Granted I haven't been to church in awhile, but nonetheless, I still consider myself Catholic. I was taught that God loves every man, woman, child, and creature on this earth. Now since God loves animals as well, does that mean that our beloved pets go to heaven and are up there waiting for us?

Well, according to the Catholic faith, animals are considered to be material things that do not have souls. Animals cease to exist when they die. It states that animals do not have an eternal soul and that we won't need them in heaven because we already have all that we need.

I'm not familiar with other religions, but is this what other religions believe as well? Or is it just what Catholics believe? I'm sorry but this is NOT what I believe! I believe that our pets are up there in heaven waiting for us. That they DO go to heaven. And why wouldn't they? They are our angels here on earth.

I would love to hear what other people have to say about this topic. I believe that all dogs go to heaven. (and cats, rabbits, bird, etc...) We will meet our pets again!!

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