Monday, February 1, 2016

Time for a break!

So I decided to take a break from Facebook. I realized that Facebook is making me angry. And anxious. And annoyed. And obsessive. I was checking it all the time. I mean, ALL the time. I couldn't make it through a meal, or a movie, or a conversation without checking my phone. I don't even know why I was checking it all the time. What did I really need to see that was more important than the people I was talking to or the activity I was doing? Did I really care that much about what was going on in other people's lives? Or to know that they care about mine? It all of a sudden hit me that I was obsessing about this thing that has brought me so many different emotions over the years. Both good and bad. Excitement, such as sharing the news that I was getting married. Or the thrill of announcing to the Facebook world that Brian and I were going to have a baby. How scared I was to share to everyone that I suffered a seizure and wasn't sure why. The sadness I felt when my beloved dog, Lacey died. The annoyance of people posting things that I don't agree with. But this thing that has brought me mostly joy, has become a HUGE problem. After I would post a status, I immediately began checking my phone every few minutes to see if someone liked or commented on my post. THAT is a problem. I start wondering WHY people aren't commenting on my hip problems, or emphathizing about my job issues, or liking my Cody pics. Or WHO was commenting or NOT commenting. Like, don't these people care about me? Surely, they don't care or maybe they have me hidden. I'm a sensitive person, we all know this. And I can take offense to a lot of things. But we all do. People are always getting offended and will always be offended by something. Someone posts an article and shit hits the fan. "Like, seriously you just posted that article??" "I'm going to post a passive aggressive post now, but it's not about you!" "I know more on the subject so let me post this!" etc, etc...Ugh. It just gets to be too much. I was defriended by someone for simply posting an article which was followed by passive aggressive posts from other people. I quickly learned my lesson to not share my personal beliefs or opinions on things and stick to posting Cody pics. Facebook can have a way of ruining relationships, which is quite sad. Anyway, I will be back soon. I just had a wake up call about what is important and what is not. And Facebook is not and will not be at the top of that list.

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